
How did we get here so fast?

heirloom picture of 1 year old boy with red curly hair

A mix of heirloom + outdoor styles

Zane has no idea, but I have been photographing his family for a long time, now. I captured both of his sisters as babies and now I have watched him grow in his mama's belly and into a beautiful, curly headed toddler!

What I have the privilege to do with my camera is not lost on me. Life is fleeting but getting to stop time and capture these moments are some of my greatest joys!

His mom brought some portraits that she wanted his matched to with a dark backdrop and an heirloom outfit. She also found the CUTEST vintage firetruck at an antique store and since his daddy is a firefighter....well, you know we had to use it!

It made the perfect prop for this toddler photographer!

Reach out today to book your custom session or ask about our Milestone Membership that can be paid monthly!

A toddler sitting in a vintage red fire truck pedal car on grass in golden sunlight.
A black and white portrait of a baby in a smocked white dress sitting in a wicker chair.
A candid shot of a toddler in denim overalls playing on a vintage ride-on toy.
Black and white portrait of a young child looking over their shoulder with windswept hair.
A laughing toddler in denim overalls steering a red pedal fire truck outdoors.
Close up black and white photo of small hands gripping a metal bar.